4. confusing backward slash and forward slash characters
is it //localhost or \\localhost?
have you ever wondered, which slash character to use while typing path of a shared folder in the network? have you? ... I know I have.
3. countdown begins from 0 (influence of arrays)
One day I observed a strange event in a tech park, on of the lift stops at 3rd floor whenever you press 4th floor button. strange isn't it? the program must be counting from 0. :-D
2. Think in terms of 0 and 1
even though I know delays are common and are expected most in any industry. always want to yell "its either a 0 or a 1 there is no middle ground" at people who gives "will see later" response for anything,
1. using programming convention in day to day life
oops!!! its already 4 A.M and what am I doing online? ;-) c:\> shutdown
0. bad eating and sleeping habits
What are you thinking about, count again, total 5 habits are there.
This article would have reminded you of someone, that person is a definite geek/nerd/techy/workaholic or at least a person who needs a "Go and get a life" suggestion.